Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Doldrums

Well, here we are again.

I'll apologize for the lack of content lately. Since about the end of October I've been fighting off a nasty case of bronchitis that I just this week got antibiotics for, which seem to be helping? So don't trust the Target clinician when they say it's viral. Or expect secondary infections to hit you when you're not looking. Either or. Fuck Papa Nurgle.

Writing while sick is not a super fun experience, because you are basically taking all the energy you'd usually have to generate words-on-page and using it to kill tiny little invader assholes in your body. And then you still have to write somehow. Add in day jobs, family obligations (especially around the holidays), and your general sleep deprivation, and getting the words down can be a problem. Especially if your writing is on the top of Maslow's hierarchy and you've got to worry about all that lovely bottom stuff that keeps you alive.

So! My Christmas BDSM special probably ain't happening, at least not this year. I will be releasing the promised twincest story to my mailing list by the end of the month, come hell or heavy snow, so if you're interested go ahead and sign up now - link's to the right.

I did finally go wide with Monstrous Seductions, which is now available at Barnes & Noble for Nook and on Kobo, if you're feeling nasty. (Oh, that Kobo URL is so beautiful.) I did not go through Smashwords, which I understand may be in the middle of a purge of some sort, but both publishers were pretty simple to work with so maybe that's not such a big deal, except for people who shop on Smashwords. I swear, FOSTA and SESTA will kill my monster smut career before it starts... Speaking of, if you follow my Tumblr you probably shouldn't bother anymore, I'm not up for dealing with their content filtering. My Twitter survives.

Annnd yeah, I think that's all the latest! I am not 100% sure what's coming next at this point, since I'm mostly focused on kicking the metaphorical tires and getting myself back into routine writing output. But once I do know, you will too. Happy Holidays!


Sad dog picture sourced from Pixabay. I'm sure they're fine.

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