Saturday, July 8, 2017


Greetings! My name is Lea Bravo, and I'm a humble author of short erotic fiction. If you're here, you've probably read one of my stories on Amazon; seen one of my posts on Twitter as @leabravowriter; or came across me on the Absolute Write forums. Whatever the reason, welcome!

Here you'll find some of my notes on the process of writing and publishing short erotica, along with announcements of new books and, well, anything else I think might be interesting. I'll be working this free form for awhile until I get my bearings.

As to me: I'm a dirty-minded writer born and raised in Maryland. I spent my early years in a rural Catholic school, but after my parents' divorce and a move to the city I began staying up late to catch Skinemax and haunting adult video stores. Then in college I got drunk, got laid, and delved into the shadiest corners of the Internet, and the rest is history.

I look forward to you reading my work. Pleasant dreams...