Sunday, August 12, 2018

Temple of the Seducer, Now In Bundle Form!

Happy New Book Day to me! *confetti*

Actually this isn't so much New Book Day as New Bundle Day. That's right, I've bundled up the entire Temple of the Seducer series into one easy-to-digest Kindle book for your consumption, at a delightfully reduced price.

You like gorgon sex? There's some of that in there, and yes a blindfold is involved. Like the idea of getting squeezed by a busty lamia? That's in there too. Getting oral from a hungry spider-woman? Yep, there's some of that. Size queen witches, horny ghosts, sex magic-happy mummies, and well-endowed Frankensteins with the serial numbers filed off... they all make an appearance.

If any of that sounds like a fun time, go check the book out! It's only $4.99 for seven sexy stories, and if you've got Kindle Unlimited, it's still free to read.

And hopefully all that will tide you over until my next naughty story is ready. Because folks, it's going to be a juicy one.
