Sunday, November 3, 2019

Updates Coming

To Anyone Still Reading,

Boy, it's dusty in here, isn't it? My sincere apologies. Looking back, I'm pretty sure I burned myself out publishing everything I came out with last year, and I haven't coped with it well... by which I mean I've been playing too many video games and posting lewd anime girls on Twitter, rather than writing in the little free time I've had.

Which isn't to say I haven't written! I've got two stories out on submission, three connected shorts in first draft, and a partial draft of another short story that I, frankly, loathe and will probably set on fire before I touch it again.

And, well, that happens. Sometimes stories go in the trash. Hopefully I'll get back in the groove soon and get you something properly titillating to read.

Speaking of! If you haven't read some of my older smut that I posted on the blog, I recommend taking the chance to do so soon. I'm going to be moving my sexy story posts off the blog and onto my Patreon within the next week or so - the main reason being I don't like having an adult filter on what's supposed to be my main base of sales and operations. On the bright side, patrons will get a story that's previously been exclusive to Monstrous Seductions for as little as a dollar. Not bad!

Did I mention I have a Patreon? No? It's because I've been terrible at updating that too - I started it earlier than I planned because of the big rate shift. But that's going to change pretty soon, along with more posts here, more stories, more sexy monsters, more More MORE...

*ahem* I think you get the picture. And if you've stuck with me this long, I sincerely appreciate it. I'll try to make myself worth your while. :-)
